VEX High Stakes Score Calculator

Here’s a score calculator since the VRC Hub one isn’t out yet:

Post a comment if there are any issues!


The VRC Hub app update was made live on iOS, Android, and Amazon during the game reveal last night. Are you not seeing it? Try refreshing the page in your app store. If you’re not seeing it please let us know which platform you’re using.


A small thing about that. According to the game manual the VEX U autonomous period is now 30 seconds and the timer in the app under high stakes still shows VEX U auton as 45 seconds. For clarity, the driver control period should be 1:30, not 1:15 too.


It’s working today on iOS at least.

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I see it now, I guess my phone had not updated it. To be completely honest, it’s a little overwhelming/unnecessarily complicated, so I’ll probably still stick with mine. Just a matter of person preference.


@DWAB It looks like there might be a calculator error. Fully loading a goal with rings and then putting it in the corner to make it negative, but adding a full height hang for 12 points is only showing up as four points. That seems to contradict SC6 iii b.


For my android, had to go to play store to update before the calculator showed up. Updating notification on app launch is a bit of a tease.

Calculator does not account for the 24 ring limit, fwiw


I noticed a separate issue, the calculator is only counting top rings on the wall stakes as 2 points, whereas the mobile goals and high stake score like they should, with the top ring being three points.


The calculator also does not count any points for rings for the opposing alliance on an alliance stake.

While red alliance is not allowed to score a ring themselves on the blue alliance stake, if the blue alliance accidentally scored a red ring I don’t see any rule that would prevent it being scored for red.


the blue stake always counts for blue i think

I like this better than the app calculator, especially since the app version has some bugs right now. There was an issue with this one where negative rings were taking away from hang and auton points. I made a fixed version here: VEX High Stakes Score Calculator PUBLIC fixed - Google Sheets


There are no rules that say that. The scoring table does not make any distinction between alliance stakes, wall stakes, and mobile stakes. Rings on any stake count for 1 point to the ring color’s alliance (plus top ring)

SG10 says alliance wall stakes are protected from the other team, but it doesn’t say that the blue alliance can use a red ring to score.

Additionally the VEX app calculator does not score the red rings on blue alliance stakes for either team, which is where I was originally noticing this possible edge case.

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Didn’t notice that rule when I made it, thanks for making the fix!


huh that’s a little confusing, will probably make a qna for that

I’m having an issue where the app does show up in the app store (Google play because I’m an Android user), but when I click on it, it gives me this message. Any suggestions?

is there a way to skills matches on the app or do I just use the normal vrc scorer