Hey everyone,
Some of you might now about the site I’m developing called The Robotics Universe. It will have a ‘Vex Home Area,’ it’s features will be:
*]Community Blog
*]Vex Articles
*]Vex Robot Ideas (submit your own too)
*]Vex Building/Programming Tips (also submit your own)
*]Vex Step-by-step instruction uploader
*]Vex Subroutine Uploader (for NXT people this is similar to MyBlocks)
*]RSS Feeds for entire Home Area
*]Vex News
TRU in general will also have a User Project Pages feature that you can categorize your project as a Vex Project and a list of those will be submitted to a list of them in the Vex Home Area
Anybody have any more ideas? Thanks, I will give credit for the ideas but note everything will be coded by me in PHP. Also at http://theroboticsuniverse.com main page you can see all the future TRU features so please don’t copy those they are already in works and will probably have some relation into the Vex Home Area