Hi All,
I couldn’t find a similar issue anywhere so I came here to ask if anyone else had this issue. Very new to this stuff by the way.
I have a VEX IQ controller paired with a Brain and the wireless connection is good. I can use the buttons (the E and F group) to navigate the menus fine until I try to run a TeleOp program. Once I enter that menu the F group buttons become unresponsive. I can still double tap the power button to back to the main brain menu and the buttons work fine again.
Is there an option I am forgetting to turn on that allows the buttons to function in the TeleOp menu or is there a setting in the RobotC code that I forgot to turn on?
On a somewhat related note, when I go into the Auto Program menu, the wireless connection disappears until I exit from the Auto Program menu. Is the brain supposed to disconnect from the controller in the Auto Program menu?
Thanks in advance for any assistance.