VEX IQ Forum Upgrade 2015

Forum users,

We are happy to announce that barring any major setbacks, the VEX IQ Forum upgrade will take place in the coming month.

To give you some insight into what has been going on behind the scenes here at VEX, our plan is to move both the VEX EDR and VEX IQ forums from vBulletin to a temporary forum software called esoTalk. From there, we will eventually move everything to another software that is currently in development called Flarum once it launches. The reason for this temporary move is that Flarum will eventually succeed esoTalk. In turn, every forum that uses esoTalk will be able to easily move to Flarum. If you are interested in learning more about Flarum,you can check it out here.

To address one popular concern, everything from the current forum WILL be migrated to the new one upon upgrading. This includes all posts, threads, and user accounts. To transfer your account to the new forum, you will simply need to recover your password through the e-mail that you have linked to your forum account.

To accomplish this, users will need to click the “Log In” button upon first accessing the new forum. From there, click “Forgot Password”, send a password recovery e-mail, follow the link, and set up your password for the new forum. That’s it!

Overall, we are overjoyed with the work our IT department has done to make this forum upgrade possible. Change can be hard, but we feel that this will be beneficial in the long run as our outstanding community continues to grow. We instantly fell in love with the layout (see links below for a preview), scheme and simplicity of the esoTalk forum, and we can’t wait to share it with you all next week!

Portal View

Thread View