Vex IQ Robot Question- ball is not catapulted to target


Happy new year to all of you. We are a team of six elementary grade kids participating for the first time. For some reason, the base bot (green pulley) is not working. Due to this issue, the ball is not catapulted (snapping) to the target.

Can you please let me know thoughts/ideas etc as to why this is happening?


Swish Catapult Going up slowly - VEX IQ General Discussion - VEX Forum
Seems like people are having similar problems lately

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Does the catapult pull down and then not release or just can’t pull down at all, or perhaps you can pull it down and then not hold could you please clarify a little bit what you mean by the ball not launching

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So many things to try:
1)You do have an assembly problem. The shaft on the green ratched is not in the plate on the right hand side. This could keep the gears from meshing.

  1. Does the green gear move at all?
    – NO - possible bad motor, bad cable? Did you read the part where this robot requires programming? Are you using the sample?
    – YES, does the ratchet click to keep it going in one direction only? (Could be another assembly problem

Can you try a longer description of what is going on?

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