This is the Road Map I have planned for the “Vex On-Line Controller Code v2.x, Available Source Version”. I have just released v0.81b, so the features of v0.82b and later are tentative, and do not constitute a contract to deliver these features.
***** v0.80b *****
Modified Vex_UserCode_DDT (Dynamic Debug Tool) to “mimic” the Vex On-Line Code for IFI/intelitek Loader 2.x.
***** v0.81b *****
ANALOG/DIGITAL I/O is now selectable with a Single Function Call, “DefineControllerIO()”.
Function “OnLine_Broadcast()” automatically prints out the correct number of ANALOG and DIGITAL INPUTS.
Supports OUTPUT Control of I/O Ports 01-10, if you are not using them for INPUT.
***** v0.82b *****
Support for the Ultra Sonic Sensors and Encoders as a Vex Controller processed device. This is needed because of the tight timing requirements for accurate data. Sending the Raw Data from these Two devices over the Serial Link with its inherent variance would result in unusable information.
Support for Setting, Re-Setting, and Deactivating the Interrupts.
Support for Setting, Re-Setting, and Deactivating the Timers.
***** v0.83b *****
Add back in Support for the Vex DDT (Dynamic Debug Tool).
Support for Mutually Exclusive Modes or possibly a Mixed Mode of the Vex Controller’s communication. Depending on the Init Message, the Vex Controller will either respond to Vex DDT REQUESTS or send On-Line Code 2.x BROADCASTS. (See REQUESTS or BROADCASTS in Post 43026)
***** v0.84b *****
Add in Support for Vex Controller to Vex Controller communication.
Refine or Add commands to let One Vex Controller, control another Vex Controller.
***** v0.85b *****
Add in Support for More that Two Vex Controllers to communicate together. (AKA Device ID Numbers)
Add in Support for Hardware so that More that Two Vex Controllers can be connected together.
***** v0.86b - v0.89b *****
Implement RO-CIP.