So far i have gotten two different chargers, and both times, I plug in the robot battery, and after about 5 min, the light starts to blink. I returned the first one, and just now with the second one, it started blinking again for the second time in the past hour. Am i doing something wrong? Has anyone else had this problem? Or am i just that unlucky?
are the batteries in the holder?
The light blinked on me when i didn’t put the battery in the holder.
There are little contact switches on the holder that tell if the battery is in there.
There was a FAQ about this one, and I think they said that sometimes this happens but the batteries end up charging just fine.
The switch seems to be ONLY used for the BIG (7.2v) battery. This must be how the Charger Knows to Charge at a lower Voltage. If you leave the 7.2v battery out of the Holder, I would guess that it charges it like a 9.6v Battery, and that would not be good.
There are switches in the holder? Wow I never noticed I think will have to take a look at this. Do you think it was bad if they weren’t being charged correctly?
Theres always that slight possibility youre just that unlucky!
Here in oklahoma we had all this ice and no school for a whole week…
Today was the first day back, and I brought one assignment from two weeks ago and forgot about another.
Wouldn’t you know it, the one I forgot was due, the one I remembered we had an extra day to do…
Unluckyness happens…
is it the big battery? I fixed that by charging it with the plug in, and the battery off (changing the voltage to 9v)