I dont really know what youre saying for one, But I know the others.
[2] a cell is one unit and a batterey is made up of these one unit cells. Ex one of those standard flashlight battereys is a cell beacuse it is one cell,
While those 6 volt lantern battereys aremade of 8 of those.
[3] the 12, 23, modes are not what they seem they are really 1,2 and 3,4
1,2 being arcade mode using ports 1,2 and 2,3 id both sticks using 2 and 3
Im busy and have to go, ill answer the others tomarrow if not to late,
sorry for this inconveinice, Jimmy
you can keep the vex from running off with alimit switch
In your vex inventor guide,look at sensors section at 10.5 starter kit sensors–programmed behaviors or you might write a programm
IF LIMIT ("limit is set as a varrible --set int and the varrible as 1,0 normaly this will be o)
MOTOR3 STOP this will go on for each motor
within the "else command you can program normal opperation
the “if” is for baking up and getting away once youre turned and away from the edge you can go to the else command with a user code “goto 6*”
or whatever number the ELSE line is
PS if you want the vex to repeat, this ALL should be in a “while”
If you dont have the programmer, just look at that suggested section in the user guide.
hope this helps,
i agree with corpralcheeze on this one. Right when I read this i was like “INVENTORS GUIDE!” I know that book inside out. Just dig the whole thing through and you’ll find the answer to all of your questions. Treat it like a bible (if you’re christian).
I understand that some people don’t have an inventors guide. I think there’s one online on this site can someone give a link?