VEX Robotics World Championship Webcast

For those of you not attending the Inaugural VEX Robotics World Championship
in Northridge, CA this weekend, you can view the webcast online courtesy of NASA.

You can also view up to date scoring and ranking and other event information linked
from the event page on or the event page on

Great, I will make sure to watch.

Watch for us! We will be competing as 38 VEXellent. I am extremly excited for this event. Are there any other FTC teams also competeing this week?

There is actually a list of teams competing that can be found here.

Wow there are a lot of international teams.

Hey I did notice that Simbotics is doing bridge battle, they any good?

Yeah I looked over the list and only noticed Simbotics. However I didn’t know if any FTC teams changed their name for BB.

I know I would of loved to do this as a side task this year but we REALLY focused on FTC this year and I have no clue what we are doing next year.

From what I hear, simbots have quite a decent bot. Knowing how good their hanging around bot was, I wouldn’t be surprised if they are playing late into saturday afternoon.

Some other bots I notice: RisingTide/Vexcellent, PiraTech Robotics, Eagle Engineering, Team Spyder, team 1523 (MARS), 829 Digital Goats, 555, etc…

When we were waiting for one of the elimination matches on Franklin, two authoritative individuals (who will remain unnamed) asked us to send a robot to LA…even though we hadn’t even considered the competition. With our alliance partner’s (Simbotics’) encouragement, we have been scrambling to put together a robot in the two weeks since Atlanta. Unfortunately, due to finals and AP tests, our team members will not be able to go…so we are hoping the robot will at least make it there, even if we can’t :).

I’ll take a wild guess and say that Simbotics will probably put out a killer robot.

Nuts! Now I really want to go. I guess we could hack saw off the top of our FVC bot and that would work. :smiley:

Ahh just kidding away good luck to all of you! I be watching online (I hope).

me too will be watching :o

sweet i can watch! thank you timezones for once you’ve helped me! :smiley:

i wouldn’t be surprised if simbotics bot looks oddly familiar to thier hanging around robot

Well simbotics and Canuks look very similar to simbots hanging around. It seems there are a few teams that look similar as well.

I am very impressed by the chinese teams. During hanging around their bots weren’t great, but now they all have incredible teams. Some teams that stood out for me are team 16 (steals balls from the trough to their pickup) and team 6 (i think) in qualfication 21 emptied their opponent’s trough

Anyone’s webcast freezing or jumping frames?

i have tried it twice on two different cpu and it hasnt worked either time:(

If you tried 15-20 minutes ago, it may have been down. It should be up and running now.

Wow team 13 picks up 20 balls in autonomous. Rediculous pickup and scoring!

So far it looks like the chinese teams are extremely good. I’m gonna call it now, chinese win.

Winning alliance: 11, 13, 6

I’m finding that this game is not as exciting as QuadQuandry - the game settles into the same patern of score…pick up…score…descore.

Did 1114 and 97 collaborate? Their robots look almost identical. And talking of 1114, I was surprised to see Karthik announcing one of the fields.

Karthik is a rep. for IFI and he announces for all the Canadian FRC events so thats a natural choice. Also 1114 and 97 are both Canadian teams that are in neighbouring areas. If you look closely you can see this year’s world champion FRC1114 main driver (I think) coaching the 97 drive team.

I also think this game is a bit boring because I can’t clearly see the bonus ball and have no idea who’s winning. Hopefully it will be more fun in eliminations when the elite teams battle.

Is 97 from an FRC team? (2056 maybe?)