Vex wifi

While we’re waiting for vex 2.0 to come out (it’s worth the wait i’m sure), has anyone tried to use a wireless serial port replicator? Something like this.

Great minds must think alike. Check out these threads:

Thanks, I read one of them and missed the other. It looks like I’ll give this a shot.

The XBEE Pro Wireless UART works great!!! It acts as a standard serial port at rates from 9600 BAUD to 115200 BAUD and can even run the Vex DDT Diagnostics. I have used the boards for both my Vex Power Glove and my Hero 2008 Robot shown in the Vex gallery. Check out the photos of these projects using the following links:

You were able to download and run the vex online code with out issues? Any lag issues?

It ran the same way as tethered to the laptop using the Vex orange programming cable and hardware handshaking. The limitations with this scheme is the 115200 Baud transfer rate , but other Vex Forum members are working on the problem (MarkO).

Looks like I’m gonna drop $180 on payday…