VEX Worlds on ESPN2!

In preparation for tonight’s show, Youth Robotics is now a category on the ESPN website!

Hope you’ll all be tuning in!

Any word on how Canadians could watch this legally?

Will this be available later on to watch for free? In Australia I have to either use a proxy or pay for a service to watch ESPN legitimately.

@NattyMan0007 I recorded it. I’ll PM you a google drive link.
I just don’t have the last 2 minutes

Thanks :slight_smile:

The commentary was 10/10. Thanks Karthik and Paul!

I was interviewed and had B-Roll taken of my team at worlds. I wanna see if I’m in it

@Karthik @DRow Would it be OK if I shared the link publicly on this thread?

Please do not. ESPN has an exclusive rights window and we want to be respectful of this.

@Karthik Alright. Good thing I asked.

can we talk about how luxurious his hair was? Anyone know what conditioner he uses?

RIP spelling.

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I agree his hair has lots of body and sheen! I think he was using “VEX Gel 310 to 258”

Great job to everyone at RECF , ESPN and VEX Robotics for putting together an awesome highlight reel.

What are the chances of this whole process happening live on ESPN next year ? :smiley:

Will we be seeing it again?

I took a look at the ratings, and it definitely wasn’t the lowest rated show on at that time. However, it would be awesome to see something like this in a Primetime slot, I’m sure the viewership would be immense. Congrats to VEX for a successful show!

Here are the ratings BTW: @SportsTVRatings | Robert Seidman | Substack

I have heard that it will be on the RECF and/or VEX channel on YouTube soon, probably after the ESPN exclusivity period mentioned above. I know it has already been shown at least twice this week on our local cable system.

(And Paul Copioli and Karthik Kanagasabapathy have a future as sports casters.)

You can stream on demand (commercial free!) from ESPN3 or the WatchESPN app. Plan on watching the replay with my teams during our summer boot camp in two weeks.

Non-aerosol lithium grease.

This forum really needs a “like” button.

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For those asking, the ESPN special will re-air on ESPNU on August 13 at 11pm ET. As soon as we have access from ESPN, we will share the show with our community and notify everyone via social media channels and on the Forum. Great to hear that everyone enjoyed the show!