VIQC Ringmaster Game Manual Updates

On June 15th, 2017, the following updates were made to the VEX IQ Challenge Ringmaster Game Manual:

  1. In the Definition of High Post, the height of the post was corrected from 20" to 24.5".

  1. In Rule <G7>, the reference to <G14> was corrected to include the proper reference to <G15>.

On August 17th, 2017, the following updates were made to the VEX IQ Challenge Ringmaster Game Manual:

An additional image example was included under the definition of Scored to clarify an edge case where a Ring is balanced on the top of a Post.

The definition of Floor Goal was modified such that only the black line is now included as part of the Floor Goal, not the support structures of the Posts. Figure 2, the overhead drawing of the field, was also revised accordingly.

The section of the Floor bounded by the inner edges of the field perimeter and the black line which runs the entire length of the field and passes under the support structures of the Posts. The black line is part of the Floor Goal.

The definition of Released was modified to state the following:

The Bonus Tray is Released when both Latches have been activated and its Rings have begun moving towards the field due only to gravity (i.e. not due to contact by a Robot mechanism).

The intent of this change was to include possible scenarios where both Latches are activated and the Bonus Tray falls, but not all Rings make it to the field.

New appendices were added to further clarify what VEX IQ parts are considered legal under R6. They can be found at the VEX IQ Challenge Current Game page.

Will the official Q&A answers be updated to include the updates to the manual? Currently there are official Q&A about the floor goal that are no longer accurate.

Yes, these answers have been updated. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

On April 5th, 2018, the following update was made to the VEX IQ Challenge Ringmaster Game Manual:

<T7> was added, to clarify what rules could result in Disqualification from a current Match, upcoming Matches, or the entirety of the event at the 2018 VEX Robotics World Championship:

<T7> At the 2018 VEX Robotics World Championship, violation of the following rules could result in Disqualification from a current *Match, *upcoming Matches, or the entirety of the event:

**a. **G1>, especially: [INDENT]**i. **Egregious disrespect or incivility towards event staff, volunteers, or fellow competitors, either from Students or from any adults associated with a Team.
**b. **<G5>, especially: [INDENT]**i. **Drivers operating for more than one team at the event.
**c. **<G17>, especially: [INDENT]**i. **Adults designing, programming, or building a Robot without Student participation.
**ii. **Note: Top-performing Robots will be under additional scrutiny regarding this rule by event staff (judges, head referees, etc). This scrutiny could include interviews with Students, on-the-spot build tests, or on-the-spot programming tests. If Students are unavailable for these interviews when an adult is seen building or programming the Robot, or if no *Student *present can explain the build/programming design work that went into their Robot, event staff will assume that <G17> has been violated.
**d. **<R1>, especially: [INDENT]**i. **Making significant changes to a Robot without undergoing re-inspection.
**ii. **Note: “Significant changes” could include (but is not limited to) adding or removing a mechanism, modifying Robot functionality, or replacing electronic components.
**e. **<R2>, especially: [INDENT]**i. **Bringing multiple Robots to the event.
**ii. **Using the same *Robot *for multiple teams.
**iii. **Using a separate Robot for Skills Matches and for *Qualifying/Finals Matches. *[/INDENT]