Wall Stake Mechanisms

Hi, Jamil here. Just wondering if any teams would be willing to share with me either their wall stake mechanisms or others that they have seen that you feel would be beneficial to a new team. Same with mobile goal mechanisms. Cads, images, or videos would be greatly appreciated for both mogo mechs and wall stake mechs.

There are a wealth of videos related to the Minnesota Signature event on youtube. Reveal videos from teams and interview videos on the Fun Network Pits and Parts interviews. The entire live stream for the tournament is available to assess how gameplay went at that event.

Watch all of those… take notes… ask specific questions about any systems or strategies you see.

An open-ended “Tell me about how to make a good robot component” is just not a great question for the forum. It indicates a lack of outside research on your part.


Hey, thank you for the response, I agree that was definitely indicative of a lack of research on my part, normally I spent weeks on end researching for the robot. This week has been a frantic mess as we are late to getting fields and parts with this upcoming competition. Thank you for your response and for providing me with a good source.


don’t rush a wall stake mech just before a competition. You can honestly run well with just a good, solid intake and a hangmech if you don’t have the time to tune a wall stake mech.

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