Our team has wedged wings, which work really well, except they are on the back of the robot (so triballs don’t get stuck in the intake when we push them in the goal), and whenever we try to push triballs over the long barrier, the middle ones get stuck on the back of our drivebase. Because of this, we wanted to also add wedges to our drivebase, but everything we’ve tried so far had interfered with being able to go over the barrier. We have also thought of a “funnel” system (like many teams have in front of their wheels but on the main drivebase) that would go above our sleds and “funnel” the triballs into our wings, but we could not figure out a way to mount it, and it may stick out too much, as we only have around half an inch of space left behind our sleds to be in size. Here is a picture of the back of our robot:
If anyone knows of a way to get the triballs over the barrier without them getting stuck or a better way to implement the wedges, please let me know. Thank you!