Welcome to VexForum.com

Welcome to the new home of the Official Vex Community Forum.
This forum will still hold official Vex Tech-Support FAQs, but it also has many new features to explore.

To help make the move to the new forum as easy as possible, we have copied most of the user-accounts from our old forum.
Try logging in to your old account with your old password.

Thanks to Brandon Martus for help with this upgrade.


We expect there will be some confusion initially, but hope that we can all learn more about this new forum together. We will stive to maintain the high-level of tech-support we at Vex pride ourselves on, while providing a new forum for community discussion.

Please don’t hesitate to ask questions, and to help each other.


We have copied much of the information and FAQs off the previous forum. This is only a partial copy, and as we proceed with this transition we will be moving/reorganizing more of this resource.

Old posts by users will NOT be copied over. We will only bring in the official technical FAQs. If you’d like to bring in something from the old forum, you will need to repost it.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thanks for your patience!

We are having problems with the server emailer, as such we may be shutting down certain functionality until we are at 100%. Please bear with us, and thank you for your patience.


just to let you guys know: at least my account was succesfully transfered over.

E-mail is be 100% functional now.
