What are Everyone's Thoughts on the Game Update?

Now that the game update has come out, how does everyone think this will impact the game. I feel that it will lead to not just more wall stake play, but also a greater impact on the third mobile goal. Especially, if a robot can hang with a third mobile goal as that will completely redefine the game. Are there any other ways that you guys see the game being changed in result to the game manual update?


The positive corner protection time being extended to 30 seconds is crazy.


According to @9MotorGang , the GDC clarified that llamas, as long as they are high school students and part of your team, are legal drive team members.

Worlds better watch out…

Super Duper Secret Leaked Photo


As 90325A said the 30 seconds is a wild change. I have a upcoming Comp and I feel some team is going to break this rule for not reading. but besides that it is more clearer for some rules.


I think this is going to promote some more t3 climbs. Before the rule change, the 15 seconds were spent on wall stakes. But now teams are going to run out of things to do if they have a good wall stake mech.


Has anyone seen the game manual update?
Rule SG11 used to state that all corners are protected for the last 15 seconds. Personally, as long as my team remembers we haven’t had much of an issue with this rule. It just means that you cant put goals in corners nor take them out in the last 15 seconds of a match.
This rule has been updated though where the time is extended to 30 seconds which I think is a bit extreme. 15 seconds is one thing but 30 feels a bit much.
I was wondering if anyone knew the reason(s) behind it or if anyone else has opinions on this?

I am a simple man. Tier 3 buddy hang has been buffed, so I like the update. Some other stuff happened, but not important when compared to the glorious t3 buddy hang.


I think that SG 11 needs to apply to negative corners as well. I also think that if a violation (major) was not match affecting then it should not count as a dq but 2 minor violations.

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I think the GDC is slowly trying to promote t3 climbs and more wallstake/5th mogo play. Remember they have most of these changes already planned so based on the trend they’re following (adding corner protection for 15 seconds, making climb 3 more points, increasing time to 30 seconds, and adding more points to climb) I think they are trying to slowly force the meta to evolve for more interesting gameplay.

I agree that 30 seconds seems a bit much but at least every match will involve wall stakes now instead of sitting in the corner for literally over a minute.

I think that the extended protection on positive corners is also going to make the negative corners becone a part of many teams strategy now too, and as the season moves past regional championships and into the late season, negative corners will come into even more play🤷‍♂️

Just make all four corners negative - and high stake 50 points.



While I see the logic, adding it to negative corners as well will severely restrict the options for any team. At the present time, being able to score on wall stakes, hang and control negative corners are the only major actions that can be performed after 15 ( now 30 ) seconds. If the negative corners were also blocked off then there would be less incentive for third goals and could create less innovation overall. I am anticipating high hangs with goals within the next month as that will allow for the third goal to be feasible even with only one negative corner. If negative corners are locked down, then there will be no reason to hang with your goal or even protect it in the last 30 seconds. By keeping the negative corners open, it creates the pressure needed for innovation within this game.


I agree, I feel like at 30 seconds you want to just be getting as many stakes as you can into the positive corner. I have a competition coming up, and I can already see so many people breaking that rule.

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I know, right? It’s Crazy!

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I’m going to try to sum up my thoughts

Let’s start with the not so good:
I think that this change was directed towards the high level with less consideration of beginning or less experienced vex teams. Because of this new change you basically need a climb or wall stakes to be doing much of anything for the last 30 seconds, a lot of teams will struggle to play these wall stakes very well. While teams like mine and a lot of higher level teams can play fine with this new update and was a pretty good push for us the lower teams will take a hit. The playing field has become less level for them, while that may not be the thing VEX was targeting I think I’ll stick up for teams like my sister team, they are part of VEX too.

There is some good too:
Now that we’ve gotten that I feel this update was more for the higher level teams I’ll put my thoughts on the good things for the high level teams (there is some for low level but I don’t see as much of it). First off is pressure for a high climb (even more than before IG). 30 seconds is a lot, and while getting a few wall stakes was very viable before (and still will be viable) its going to take a seat to tier 3 in high level play as we start to see bots getting redesigns with this change in mind. From what I’ve seen fast wall stakes was around in the last 15, I think it will become around 8 for 30 seconds, Only 2 of these can be top rings. 2(3) + 6(1) = 12. That’s the same as a high climb, but most climbs I’ve seen can do it in 10ish seconds, most high tier teams will realize they will want both to remain competitive. Also the 5th goal will be in a lot more play which I think is good. But overall it’s going to push those top teams to have to get better which I think is good.

Over all:
Good for the highly competitive because it will push them, the field is less level for the low tier teams though.


I agree, with 30 seconds to not have to worry about someone grabbing your stake and moving it to a negative corner. Now that gives a team time to set up to the tower and start climbing. Hopefully we will be able to do that this weekend wish us luck :grin:

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So hypothetically if a teams bot were to climb to the third level amd place a ring on the post how many points would that be?

You will find the answer to your question in the Game Manual in the Scoring Rules section:

The table at the beginning of the section should help calculate your scenario.

  1. 12 for the high climb, 6 for the high stake, and 3 more for the bonus points added on for hang
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It is 20, bonus for climbed with high stake is only 2 points. However if your alliance gets a t1 climb then that is worth 5 points rather than just 3.