Besides a jerk?
Computer aided drafting I think.
Yeah, I thought it was “design”
I guess I’ve heard both ways, you are probably right though. I mostly use it for drafting so I guess that’s how it got stuck in my head.
Me and Tmaxxguy were in a Technical drawing class a year ago, so I’m a little rough on my answer too.:o
It depends on if you are a drafter or a designer.
agreed -
Its actually CADD-computer aided design and drafting.
Well I guess everyone was right… or wrong…
No I was right.
I Agree with Tmax
if you look at the box of any CADD programs it will not say CAD it will say CADD.
Yes I am quoting myself because i was wrong, not all things are CADD, i design and draft with TurboCAD, and it is CAD not CADD, although most other things are CADD.
so what is solidworks then?
“SolidWorks” is a CAD program
“Computer Aided Drafting”
That is on Solid Works
That is on CAD
[Computer-aided design - Wikipedia
That is on CADD
Notice That they both are EXACTLY the same page, as they are the exact same thing. (one just has a longer title)](Computer-aided design - Wikipedia)
Thanks for the info, I always thought CAD meant “computer aided design”.
Doesnt necessarily mean you are wrong, it could mean either
depends on what you want to call it
but either way it is all the same
and it does all the same
I second that.