With the cancellation of Worlds and while we wait for the next game to be revealed, what past VEX game (that you did not compete in) would you like to compete in? What games would be interesting with V5? What previous season would have been cool to compete in?
My first year in VEX was In the Zone, so I would like to see NBN or Skyrise. With Nothing But Net, I’d like to see the types of robots we can see with V5 (considering the flywheels we’ve seen last season). Skyrise would be an interesting one, since the robots there are multi-functional and it requires so much for a robot to do. I wonder how different the robots would look like with the 8 V5 motor max, versus the old 12 motor max.
Since I’ve competed in everything since Skyrise, I’ll have to pick Toss-up and Gateway. They look like really interesting games and I would have liked to have had the chance to play them.
I agree. I really like the idea of Toss Up and Starstruck with V5. I think that if Starstruck had V5, we would have seen different types of Holonomic drives that teams would use. I’d be interesting to think about how teams in Starstruck with split the motors to each subsystem…