Just a random question. What theme do you use on your computer. For example I know many people with XP who choose to use the Classic Windows theme. I have Vista and also use the Classic Windows theme for performance reasons. What do you use?
I would write it as “Windows Classic (ie, Windows 2000/ME/98)”.
I find the Win XP Theme and Vista Theme too hard to Navigate with just the Keyboard. If you know which key do what, it can be faster to NOT use the Mouse. Maybe I need to learn a few more Short Cut Keys.
Agh…Windows ME…shudder…
I use DesktopX, which lets me design my own themes as well as use others.
I was looking at getting Windows Blinds, but I was wondering if it really slows down your computer.
I have a dual-core laptop with 1GB of RAM running Vista.
It ran on just fine on my 512 meg, 5 year old, loaded down with crap laptop until the trial ran out. It will most likely slow down the startup time slightly, but overall performance shouldn’t be slowed.
Hey, what happened when the trial ran out? Did you get to keep on using the themes?
I use a custom theme (the dark version) with the uxtheme.dll mod* on XP, regular Aero when using Vista, and the regular Aqua theme when using Mac OS X Leopard.
- IMHO, the uxtheme.dll mod is the best route for using custom themes with Windows. It uses absolutely no more system resources than the default Windows themes, since all it does is allow Windows to accept non-Microsoft signed themes (Any .theme file world; many are available for free at places like Deviant Art under the Visual Styles category).
No the themes went away, but I was using a completely free version of it before that called AlienGUIse, which comes standard on all Alienware computers and has about 6 really high quality themes on it and is made by the same company. Might want to take a look at it. For that matter, there are several free softwares on stardock.com (Bootskin, Cursor XP, and LogonStudio for example) that are very good.
I use Vista Basic. I got tired of old windows xp and I don’t like those really old ones that much.