What was your first Vex-bot (other than square-bot)?
Mine was a battle tank with tracking gun.
last year’s FVC bot
The original FVC competition (the first pilot season).
This year’s FTC bot. Just for the record, if they don’t allow us to use Easy C next year if and when they change the system, I am going to be so ticked.
actually i didnt build the square bot:eek: as i am a one-man team for FTC and needed to get to work right away
my first robot can be found on my old blog (minirobotics.blogspot.com) and my first fully finished one for FTC can be found on my new site andrewshomepage.50webs.com
Hmmmmmmmmm… Way back when…
I’m pretty sure it was a robot that picked up racquetballs, i think there is an image in the gallery.
i think i just added a claw to the square bot but after that i built a grabber bot with 2 knobby wheels and for the back 4 of the plastic rims of the small wheels on a long axel it had a long arme witch could move up and down