Where to find match replay/videos

I want to look at the people in our next tournaments and come up with strategies to end their ascension to worlds (yes I’m trying to sound intimidating) where would I find the videos?

The internet.

Can’t be more precise without any more information.


South Florida. 8th Annual Melee at McCarthy VRC South Florida Qualifier (In Person) : Robot Events This tournament for example

And how do you know that there are videos from this event?


Because this tournament was not live-streamed, your best bet would be asking some of the teams who attended it.

This is why you should be recording matches at every event you go to

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Because there was a cameraman recording the entire thing every match, and to @RoboCatz point yes we take videos in our matches, but we don’t have the time to take 50 videos.

Then I would have your coach contact whoever was in charge of filming and have them send you guys the videos.


Alright thank you for the advice

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I took videos of a couple of early matches and I’ll see if I can send them to you. (Or to anyone else who asks me about it, though I might not make them public.)

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