Who's going to San Ramon, California?

Just seeing if anyone is going. Cause my team will be there. Think we have like three or four robots going? For sure three.

team 1000 of Foothill High School will be there!

-foothill falcons

reidloS doG, what’s your team? The Cheesy Poofs will send up 254A, B, C, F, and G for sure.

We’ll be there.
We’re from Will C. Wood High in Vacaville.
Only bringing one bot unfortunately. This is Will C. Wood’s first year having a Robotics class so our numbers are small, for now.
What’s a good time to arrive? There was no schedule posted on RoboEvents.

(and Will C. Wood has nothing to do with lumber jacks, btw…)
last competition people were mumbling about losing to a bunch of lumber jacks, lol

702, we hail from Las Vegas Nevada baby!!

My robots name is Thunderchicken!! I think that beats Cheesy Poofs.

“Will Cheesy Poofs and Thunderchicken please be on deck” Oh that’s hilarious.

I am unsure which 702 a,b,c,d, or e will be there, so sorry I can’t give you that.

We are arriving at 7:30. The coordinator for the event should be available to contact, so I would ask hi/her what time you should be there.

The Poofs have SEVEN VRC teams in addition to their FRC team? I am glad to see an old FRC team taking midi-robots so seriously. Good on you guys.

Of course, Gladstone in Vancouver, BC, has 15 teams, so there is still room to improve!

Are you guys in elevation? I doubt that you aren’t, but your page seems more towards the game lunacy.

We’re running out of parts as it is, so that’s going to have to wait for future years…

Yes - the website team interpreted the FIRST’s website requirements to mean that only FIRST programs could be displayed in the site…so we ended up with a (temporary) site, bcpvex.uuuq.com.

Team 1129 aka Green Machine from Concord High School will be taking our last shot at making it to Worlds @Calhigh. We of course cant afford to enter multiple robots, so we will need to be on the top of our game. Good luck to all participants.


Man i totally forgot how close it is to dallas…
good luck to you concord, since we’ve already qualified…
Anyone else from this part of Cali qualified already? Cheesy poofs?

254A (Tampa & Hawaii, with two different robots)
254E (Siatech)

And from my scouting data (Let me know who I forgot)…
438 (Turlock) - Thanks ManicMechanic
563 (Bellarmine-twice)
823 (Bellarmine)
1000 (Siatech)
1031-You guys (Bellarmine)
1337 (Turlock, Bellarmine, Siatech-twice)
?-Maybe a Siatech team, can anybody fill this in? (Siatech)

Mr. Morella was right, NorCal will have quite a good showing at Worlds.

Sounds like a deep pool of talent. I doubt the Pacific Northwest is going to be very competitive.

Team 438 from Enochs HS of Modesto also qualified in Turlock. Enochs has been scarce at other Norcal events because they fall on or around the same times as Science Olympiad, Science Bowl, and Academic Decathlon, which have kept the team busy. The robot is getting rusty!

Turlock High (833a/b/c/d) is sending a team to the Championship of the Americas in Omaha, but I don’t think they’re going to Dallas. In addition to the 3 above events, they also do the Occupational Olympics (technical competition component), so they’re even busier than us.

We’ll be there (in Dallas)! Can’t guarantee we’ll be competitive :o

The sheer number of different qualified Californian teams already dampens our chances… Not to mention all the FRC background.