My student code in blocks for the robot to move forward 10 inches then turn right 90degrees. I would move forward 10 inches but would never turn right. So we tried move forward 10 inches and then make intake move. It would not have intake move. We then tried programming in Python and then in Pro it still would not do the second line. If we code it turn right then drive foward 10 it would just turn right. She can drive the robot just fine not issues.
- We have tried 2 different computers to program
- we have change the brain we have pushed out update to firmware
- we have changed the radio
We then took a brain and program the simple program on a older bot from last year and it worked so we then took that brain and put on the team bot and it would not do the second line of code.
We then in Pro code it for the bot not run on a drive train but as single motors and it did the two lines but we want the bot to work on Block using the drive train.
We need help to figure on what we can do to get the program to work we have spent over 20 hours trying to figur this out.