So our team has built a winch to replace our chu chu. It works well in team work and driver skills. But when we run autonomous it some times shoots short. pictures wont help its just the swish catapult. what would yall recommend?
If your talking about a Ratchet, check if it is on a beam. Sometimes when shooting it slides on it and makes it too strong or too weak
I recommend setting it up for auto mode and taking a close up picture of the winch setup. Right after it fails, take a picture and compare the two. Take the pictures from two angles, and duplicate those angles on both sets of pictures. It makes it easier to compare them.
Option 2: Buy one of the mini spy cameras ( : mini video camera) and have it watch the display. You can also jam your $1200 iPhone in there and use that.
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Catapult are sometime inaccurate. If you don’t want to take pictures, then look for any sliding on the catapult rubber bands.