6 motor drive arcade drive

How do I get my 6 motor drive chassis coded to arcade drive in my vex v5 pros code. I have it in the ez template and it is auto to tank drive but I need arcade drive. What code do I need to put in to change it to arcade split drive.

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If you can, try to manually code it. It’s only arcade drive, so it won’t be too hard:

void arcade() {
int leftD = controller.getLeftY();
int rightD = controller.getRightY();

This is some pseudocode for a basic arcade drive. Otherwise, I don’t know how to do a template for it.

We have tried both these ways on the easy temple tin pros but they both still did tank drive. Do you know anything else that could work or do you see something wrong in the code we tried.

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This is actually on me, I messed up the two! I mixed up tank and arcade.


That’s the function for EZ Template for arcade.
Please check this website out if you have anymore questions. Control Schemes | EZ-Template