Attaching the Antennas to the Intel Dual Band Wi-Fi

We are having an issue when trying to attach the antennas to the Intel board. When gently pushing them onto the boards, they click as described in the instructions, however they will not lock into place. We have 2 boards and 4 antennas and have the same issue with all of them. What are we missing?

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This is Team 1001A. Our team also had the same problem where the antennae clicked but did not fully attach to the wifi board. It seems that the wifi connection is to connect to your computer and access the dashboard, so it might be possible to use an ethernet connection between the jetson and your computer. Please let us know if you find another solution to this problem.


Thanks for bringing this to our attention. After some investigation it does look like a few kits were shipped with the incorrect WiFi antenna. The antennas that were whipped have a larger connector than the connector that mates with the WiFi board. Please reach out to VEX Support and we can get you the correct antennas shipped to you. We apologize for any confusion this has caused.

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