Autonomous Rules

Hello! My team and I have decided that we wanted to change up our auton program, however, we are still a bit fuzzy about some rules. The first question is wether or not just pushing the triballs to another position is worth 2 points. In total, there are 12 triballs on the field. 4 in the corners, 2 that are under the red and blue bar, and then 3 that are symmetrical to each other on the two sides. If you just push those 3 balls into a different position than they were in originally, is that worth 2 points for each ball you push? The second question was that are green triballs scored into the oppenents goal worth yours? To elaborate, if my robot was on blue team, but I was on the red field because I was match loading, could I still push those 3 green balls that are on the red field into red net? Would they be counted too blue or red? Thank you!!! And happy holidays!!!

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  1. I am assuming that this is for VRC, as IQ is a different competition and does not have triballs. Please categorize your posts correctly
  2. The triballs, even if they haven’t moved, are still scored for the offensive zone the are in. If you push them, they are worth 2 points. If you don’t, they are still worth 2 points.
  3. If you score a green triball into the opposing alliances’ goal, you just gave them a free 5 points (you can only score green triballs for yourself under your alliance’s goal, not the opposing goal).

This is true for the triballs in the offensive zones. The ones under the elevation bar are technically in an unscored position and, yes, you will get two points for moving them to your own offensive zone.

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