Can a robot have a motor which is not functional but used for weight balancing or for good center of gravity but does noting as not connected to any port of programmed to operate.
Please advise as the same behavior is not allowed in VRC.
As long as you only have 6 motors total, it is perfectly OK. Who’s to tell whether you’re using it or not anyway
for the Vex Robotics Competition (VRC) during the inspection any non-functional robots have to be removed though the count of the motors is under the allowed max count. That is why I wanted to make sure, is IQ the same or different as in the game manual it is not very clear.
for the Vex Robotics Competition (VRC) during the inspection any non-functional robots have to be removed
Did you mean to say non-functional MOTORS have to be removed? They don’t do that as part of VexIQ inspections. They just count the motors, six or fewer and you’re good. They don’t care if they are connected to a brain or used or anything. I’ve seen a fair number of teams use un-connected motors for weight.