Can you explain how D-scoring works

I read through the manual but im not sure where it says how you can get rid of points by flipping the mobile goal.

Prior to Version 2.0 (the current version of the game manual as of 9/26) rings that were on mobile goals but were contacting the foam tiles could not be scored for points. However, Version 2.0 changed SC3 such that rings can still be scored even if they are contacting the floor. Therefore, flipping mobile goals can no longer descore rings, including for VEXU, which is what this topic has been posted under.


Yes, it is no longer considered descored when touching a foam tile.
But just for fun, this is what the original rule looked like:

But of course, this rule is now removed from the manual as of version 2.0.


idk what a topic is but im In vex v5

As a new user, this post helped a ton to learn to use the vex fourm well.


A topic is the post on the VEX Forum that starts a discussion/is a question

This is a topic.