I was making a robot for fun, and the catapult shot perfectly with 2 discs. When I added a third to the two discs, (Same amount of rubber bands and all) the catapult did not shoot high enough. I understand it is due to the weight of the third, but what ways have people accounted for this?
Add more rubber bands
Now for those who want a physics-based explanation,
When you increase the number of independent projectiles, the kinetic energy distributed to each projectile gets increasingly smaller. With a catapult, under the same banding adding more discs means each disc will not be shot as far/high. This is because the rubber bands only store a fixed amount of potential elastic energy, which gets converted to kinetic energy as the catapult is fired.
By increasing the number/stretch of the rubber bands, you will have more potential energy; therefore, each disc will have more kinetic energy. This means that each disc will shoot farther/higher than before.
Thank you for the explanation, but won’t adding more rubber bands make it too hard to shoot a single disc or a stack of two?
In general, a catapult should stick to shooting stacks of three, since it’s hard to make it shoot one or two while still making 3-stacks work. Don’t worry about needing three discs before you can shoot.
What do you think will happen? If I give it more power, what will happen when it’s load is decreased?
catas will usually only ever shoot with three. im no physics expert, but more weight with the same amount of force means less distance. so just shoot with 3
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