FIRST replicas

I thoght this needed a thred to discus all the models of FRC robots out there.
when posting yours please post a picture or link of the acual FRC robot so we can compare.
here are my two:
2006 FRC1848 “the Irish potatoe famine”
vex bot:
Real Bot:

2005 frc1002 “Gnat”
vex bot:

real bot:

wow those look realy close to the real thingsgood job:D

I had a VEX version of MOE 365’s 2005 bot. I’ll have too see if I can find the pictures.

thats a great idea, making a thread to discuss VEX replicas of FRC bots. i really have to put my triple play robot on here…

alright, here is my miniature version of the circuitrunner’s(1002) aim high robot, “C4”. it has a turreting/tilting shooter with light sensor for a camera. it shoots 2" stressballs.

the real robot:

i would like to see how you made that robot, but the links dont seem to be working right now… :frowning:

sorry about that, they should work now

wow that looks nice! what is the line follower sensor for?

its instead of a camera, there is a light above the goal and the sensor can tell based on the ligh value how far from the goal it is so it can automatically control pan and tilt.