Our flywheel is geared at 1:15 ratio and launches in the bottom goal perfectly. The problem is it is not launching into the top goal. Any suggestions
We can’t help you without pictures sorry
1:15 gear ratio is geared for torque, not speed. Try a 15:1 gear ratio. If that does not work, try adjusting the angle it is launching at or increase motor velocity.
Completely wrong 1:15 means for every rotation of one gear the other spins 15 times whiles as 15:1 is every 15 rotations one spins the other spins one. So 1:15 is speed not torque.
Initially we had drive gear 60 driven gear 12 on the same axle as the 12 was a 36 driving a 12 5x3=15 resulting in a 1:15
A student changed it to drive 12 driven 36 on the same axle as the 36 is a 12 driving a 60
resulting in 15:1.
Too much torque apparently. So slow and no lift.
Our issue is reaching the top goal. I’m open to any suggestions. My students are getting frustrated.
Remind them that engineering is the repeated process of solving problems. If they have never heard of the engineering design process, here is a quick walkthrough from my engineering notebook!
I can’t help myself…
As far as technical solutions, consider the angle the flywheel is firing at. Could a higher angle have more success?
Also, if possible, add another motor and crank that speed up to 1:25. This is a common ratio for flywheels and it might give you that speed boost you need.
If helpful, I will have a reveal out on my channel soon.
if you can take a picture or a video of it on all different sides i might be able to help
or it launching the we can probable help
Show a picture from the top. Also, if it isn’t able to shoot the top goal, I would suggest lowering the flywheel spinners down a bit so it contacts the ball a bit lower. This might help it adjust better.
Thank you
Is 1:25 possible? My teams seems to think that 1:20 is max (Gears 60 to 12 and 48 to 12) without doing complicated stuff.
Yes, but it’s 25:1, and that would be 64 tooth to 12 tooth to 64 tooth to 12 tooth, but compounded so the first 12 tooth is on the same as the second 64 tooth.
thanks…I guess the bigger question - Is it the difference helpful to shoot the high goal?
its 60 tooth (12*5=60)
If we are using the bot Ben Lipper used, it had the flywheel on an tilt so it would hit the top one
From my experience, 25:1 is way more consistent and powerful the only thing is you half to tune your flywheel. Like ALOT. Like 25+ hours from my experience.
Hope these videos help.
2 questions:
1 - By “tune” do you mean coding velocity or angle of shooting or both?
2 - Looks like you need a pusher behind the flywheel- right? Just the intake may not be good enough to launch the ball?