High Stakes clarification: no part of mobile goal needs to touch floor to score?

Hi, may seem kind of late for this, but I was trying to find if there is a requirement for any part of a mobile goal to touch the floor for rings to be considered scored? Only place where I could find this was for the corners (where the base has to be in contact). I guess we had picked up somehow that this was a requirement but doesn’t seem that’s the case.


The rings on the goal will be scored regardless of elevation. But for a goal to be considered placed in a corner it does need to be contacting the ground

No, there isn’t a ground contact requirement unless it’s a corner.

e.g. you can hold a filled goal with ur clamp and rings still count

There is no requirement for a mobile goal to touch the floor for the rings to be scored if it isn’t placed in a corner.

Perfect, thanks all!
