Latest Version of VEX IQ Manual - Rolling Balls Into Intake

1.28.25 Manual Update for VEX IQ
The latest version of the manual for VEX IQ Rapid Relay, under , , and Note 2 of state that you cannot roll the ball into the robot’s intake or skills extender.
How does this affect the build aspect? Aware that the scores/leaderboard will be affected, but what about the build? What new changes will the robots have to make to accommodate to this rule, how do we get around it if we want high skills scores?
It will be really hard to achieve such high scores without the rolling technique, but is there any way that the build itself, not the loading technique can get these scores?

Doing the same thing but just moving forward an inch or two?

:slight_smile: I understand this part…but my question was more focused on what other designs you could use to not waste too much time, if the robot stays immobile…not just moving forward.

Robot remains in a fixed position but uses pneumatics and/or an extension mechanism to reach out to grab the ball rather that driving forward and back?

How about a program loop. Move back 3" to grab the ball, move forward, score, move back, repeat.