Launching systems

Just to ask, what type of launching systems do you think is the best?

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In my opinion, I really like the t-fling but I am too lazy to attach it to our robot. It is very fast and is consistent. It is fairly easy to build but hard to attach to a robot. What I use is a ratchet (AKA pulley) launcher. I would not recommend choo choo because it is hard to make and not as consistent as other launchers. It can be used in certain situations but not as fast or consistent as the ratchet or t-fling. TLDR: use t-fling or ratchet because it is goated, unlike choo choo. Also welcome to the forums!

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Hi @VEX-D5-TEAM welcome to the forum. As a new user you don’t know about the amazing search functionality. This amazing feature can search over a decades worth of info. Want to know about catapult designs? Search!! Want to know the best launch systems? Search!!! It is friendly, fast and FREE.


Adding to what @VexBuilder77 said, the T-fling is a great charging mechanism. It’s concise, simple, and does not have too much friction. It also charges the catapult from the back/fulcrum, unlike the choo-choo or racheting pulley mechanism (the thing on Swish).

I feel like the racheting pulley is great for a robot that has plenty of space in the front of their drivetrain. Because we have an H-drive, there is not much space where we want to place it. Because of this, we switched to a T-Fling when building our second robot, and it works great!

In my opinion, there is very little reason to choose a choo-choo over the T-Fling. The T-Fling is sturdier, smaller, and uses less pieces. Still, both mechanisms have their places.

TL;DR: T-Fling and racheting pulley are better in my opinion than the choo-choo and the T-Fling is great.

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(Making two posts because of seperation)
There are a few topics for new users that I think you should read, @VEX-D5-TEAM.
PSA to new forum users v2
(There is a topic by @Foster called “Help Us Help You” but I can’t find it… (Foster, help.))
New Team Starting Resources

I hope this helps!


Searching on topics by Foster and titlers Help Us Help You" gets me this link