Middle School Lady Brown

I have not been to many competitions, so don’t know, but based on your observations of competitions you have been to, do middle school teams have robots with working lady brown? Approximately what percentage of middle school teams?

It really depends on your region, I’m part of a middle school team in an uncompetitive area who uses lady brown, at local comps were the only ms team with one, but we went to a more competitive area of our region and there were several ms teams with lady browns

We are currently beginning to build our lady brown, but answering your question is difficult.

A lot of the top middle school teams will almost certainly be using lady brown (some may stick with a redirect or other old wall stake mech), but as far as I am aware, no one in our region is using a lady brown. If you would like to get a better estimate, I recommend watching some of the upcoming Bots @ Bristol signature event. There is a Ms only tournament with a lot of great Ms teams. But remember, build your robot as if you were in high school, then compete in middle school.

It definitely would never hurt to have something that others may not, it gives you an advantage. Now if the question is whether you should spend time programming or designing a lady brown that’s dependent on the competitiveness of your region.

It’s gonna depend on your event and region. If ur going to a high level sig event than your competitors are going to be a lot better and more likely to have one. For less competitive regionals you are less likely to see other bots with them but its not impossible.

Thanks for the responses guys. I just watched Kalahari and saw several MS teams efficiently using Lady Brown.

In my middle school region, a lot of teams have lady brown maybe 3 in 10. Although its very unbalanced with some comps having hero bots while others have very fast lady brown bots

I know that I’m a bit late, but in my MS region of 35ish teams, there are only 2 teams that can score on wall stakes, us and one other team. We use fish mech (yes, we know LB is better) and the other team uses a lady brown. I originally made this post without saying that the other team used a lady brown.

Thanks for the updates guys. As the season progresses, I am seeing several MS teams evolving into adding lady browns now (as expected)