3.25" Mecanum Wheels for VRC?? Just asking…
It would be a great option, but I’m not holding my breath.
The 2" mecanum wheels from the VEX PRO line are VRC legal (part 217-7400) and are now listed with the other V5 wheels. They sell 6" and 8" mecanum wheels for the pro product line, but they are not legal for VRC and are quite a bit more expensive.
I’ve heard the 2" mecanums are unusable on foam tiles because the rollers only protrude 1/64" from the plastic body. So, 4" is effectively the only size.
Good to know… I suspected that and never ordered any. Their possible uses outside of drivetrains just don’t seem to justify the expense.
Does anyone have experience with 2" mecanum wheels on foam tiles to confirm?
Someone tried them in Questions about 2" Mecanum wheels:
My students tried them back in Tipping Point.
With much weight on them, they dig in and don’t traverse (the whole point of mecanum wheels).
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