Can some of that information be added to the product page itself as well? At minimum the article should be linked in the product page, and basic specs like the nominal RPM should be on the product page. Basically the 5.5w motor product page should look like the 11w motor product page.
@jpearman is the encoder spec in the KB article correct now? Earlier you said it was misleading since the firmware/vexos does something different.
The KB article also says:
Position and angle are reported with an accuracy of .02 degrees
Is this accurate? That seems to imply that the TPR would be closer to 1800 than 900/960.
Free speed is software-limited by the motor’s processor to keep consistent performance motor-to-motor and to allow top speed under loads.
Is this accurate as well? This would be a departure from how the 11w motor works if true, at least for voltage mode.