The 2017-18 Season is in Full Swing
Just posted are the VEX IQ Challenge Ringmaster Q & A Summary and VEX Robotics Competition In the Zone Q & A Summary with all the updates you need to prep for upcoming events. If you’re looking for an important document, remember to visit the Documents & Resources Library . Reminder: Your team must be registered and paid for before signing up for any events.
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Stay in the know anytime with one of our Mobile Apps for Android or iOS. Click here to learn more.
Girl Powered: Day Of Girl
The REC Foundation & VEX Robotics welcomed Dallas-area students to our Girl Powered Flagship Event on Oct. 11, which coincided with the International Day of the Girl! The event took place at Texas Instruments, with a panel of inspirational speakers, followed up by a series of hands-on STEM activities and giveaways. Photos and a video of the event are now available. Many thanks to all 100 sites across the U.S. and around the world who hosted Girl Powered Workshops October 6-15. Join us to ensure that robotics is an engaging and welcoming space for all students. Visit to take the pledge today!
Showcase Your Work - Online Challenges Now Open
Online Challenge submissions are now open! Find all challenges here: . You can show off your work, win prizes, and even win a chance to compete at the VEX Robotics World Championship!
Sponsor Spotlight: The Northrop Grumman Foundation
The Northrop Grumman Foundation is pleased to present the VEX Robotics Competition and is a Presenting Sponsor of the 2018 VEX Robotics World Championship. Northrop Grumman Foundation supports the VEX Robotics Competition because of its exciting games that inspire, motivate, and prepare students for a future in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education. In addition to their support of VEX Worlds, Northrop Grumman makes it possible for new VRC teams around the world to participate. As part of their outreach and commitment to education, Northrop Grumman has some great STEM resources for teachers, students, and families to use at home and in the classroom. Check it out today!
Volunteer at a Local Event Today
Volunteering at a VEX competition is easy to learn, fun to do, and rewarding for everyone involved. Encourage your family members and friends to volunteer for your local team events! Find a local event near and volunteer today or email [email protected] to contact our volunteer team.