This is my first year that we got access to the Pneumatics kit for VEX IQ, but I really don’t know the use for it. I have basic knowledge such as it stretching and stuffs, but I do not find it usefull for the Rapid Relay game this year. Do you guys have any idea about it and can it help our team make adjustable shots?
In my (unexperienced) opinion pneumatics this year aren’t that useful.
I had an idea for a puncher to pass balls into your teammate’s intake. I would have built it, but we don’t have pnumatics. You might also try to build a moter using the pnumatics as pistons in an engien (a two-stroke one). I don’t know if this is feasible though it would make a good notebook entry!
This year I don’t see to many use cases for pneumatics.
One of the only good cases is to use them for motor sharing between the intake and shooter and you can have a 4 motor drivetrain.
Good Idea, thanks, I never though of that, but it’s a really good idea. Maybe I could have a puncher and infront of the ball intake somehow?
Yeah, PTO/Motor Sharing is the most common use case for this year; allowing teams to move power between systems that wouldn’t normally use them simultaneously (like intake and shooting).
This is our team’s first year with pneumatics as well (the team actually finished the implementation of it today!) and we found a creative use for it in an “assist” capacity if a ball doesn’t score correctly on its initial shot but we still want to funnel it into the lower goal.
In our next team meeting later this week, they’re going to produce a teaser video for our bot that may show that design off.
Pneumatics in our robot this year are what technically allow our robot to score this year. It uses the long cylinders to tilt the flywheels up and down allowing it to score both goals, then uses a small cylinder to open and close gates, hence the actual shooting part. The gate “pushes” the ball into the flywheel. This would not be feasible with motors as it would be slow, and weak. I feel like pneumatics this year are going to be very important, I am interested to see how other teams will use the pneumatics, and maybe implement a pto into our robot too!