I am an event partner and have a question related to <G3> based on your recent clarification and what occurred at my event this past weekend. I am also the event partner for the Indiana VEX IQ State Championship and want to ensure that rulings based on the strategy described below are handled correctly. <G3> and your clarification state:
<G3> During the Match, Robots may not expand beyond the 13”x20” area they were limited to at the start of the Match. However, Robots are permitted to expand beyond the 15” height restriction they were limited to at the start of the Match.
We’ve updated our answer on this to be consistent with the intent of the rules.
1. When the Robot is on or getting on the Ramp, its maximum dimensions are measured as if the Robot was sitting flat on the field tiles. This allows the Robot to climb the ramp without worrying about going over the size constraints.
2. When the Robot is on the field, momentary incursions of the maximum dimensions as a result of going over the ball corrals are allowed. This allows the Robot to freely traverse to the field without worrying about going over the size constraints.
3. At all other times Robots are not permitted to exceed the 13" x 20" maximum dimensions. Specifically, if Robots lean forward and balance on or against the fence, the configuration still must be withing the 13" x 20" size constraints.
A question arose during the competition because of a team that intentionally falls forward onto the ramp to dislodge the balls on the ramp from the cutouts. Damage to the ramp is not a concern in this instance. When falling onto the ramp in this manner the robot is longer than 20" when measured with respect to the field floor and the ramp surface. They are still within the 20" length when measured with respect to their drive base.
When measuring a robot that is on the ramp, which is the correct means to determine the orientation: [LIST=1]