Smooth edge for plexiglass on intake

For the plexiglass on the intake, looks like whatever I do the edge is very sharp - it rips the tape off the field - sanding doesnt seem to help - any suggestion on how to smoothen it?
I am talking about the portion of the plexiglass touching in the filed whcih scoops up the rings.

I used big scissors to cut it - maybe that was the mistake? Should I use a different tool?

it is probably riding too low.

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Try a different grit of sandpaper (my research tells me 180 is optimal for plexiglass)

If that doesn’t work, try a file, sander, or Dremel (depending on what tools you have access to)

Sand a nose on it. If you can use sandpaper on a sponge, cup it over the end of the sheet and move along the whole face of the end of the plastic with it squished over and it’ll take off the sharp edges. If you need to use a flat block, you’ll have to control the arc of motion yourself. You can do it before you shape the sheet for attachment to the robot.

BTW, if you’re actually using plexiglass, you need to change it out for a compliant plastic as in Rule 19 d and e. “Legal plastic types include polycarbonate (Lexan), acetal monopolymer (Delrin), acetal copolymer (Acetron GP), POM (acetal), ABS, PEEK, PET, HDPE, LDPE, Nylon (all grades), Polypropylene,and FEP. e. Shattering plastic, such as PMMA (also called Plexiglass, Acrylic, or Perspex), is prohibited.”


Since no one has mentioned it yet, plexiglass is specified as an illegal plastic under R19e. If you’re just using the term to refer to a generic plastic, then I’d recommend cutting small bits off of the corners, filing the edges down, and moving the entire piece upward to prevent it from touching the field.


your intake should not be touching the field, try cutting it a bit shorter. They can ride pretty high and still pick up this year.

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Correct, it isnt actuallly Plexiglass - I was just using the term for polycarbonate we are using - which is 1 of the materials allowed in the VEX list

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Thanks for the suggestions.

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Good suggestion - will try that as well

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If you have one of these it takes the burs off very well


what is this tool. Could I get a name or link

Its a deburring tool, that’s not the one we use specifically ( I just used it as reference) but would probably work, I don’t think the brand matter too much here, I think most of the brands have them, for my hand tools I like the Kobalt stuff but honestly whatever’s cheapest here is probably best. We have one in our shop that is a generic red one that’s great so I wouldn’t stress there.

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Weird coincidence… one of my roboteers was insisting we buy a deburring tool (I always just used a knife, file, or sandpaper). I finally gave in and bought this [one].
(AFA Tooling - Deburring Tool with 10 Extra High Speed Steel Swivel Blades - Works on Metal, Resin, PVC Pipes, Copper, Plastic and 3D Printed Edges - Plumbing & 3D Printing Burr Removal Reamer Tool: Industrial & Scientific).
There are many other options too. It just came in this week and he couldn’t be happier,