VEX Controller pro version

Ok so I do know that current controllers are expensive and what not but I think that there are few mods to them that could be nice maybe in a pro version. Think of like Xbox vs Xbox Elite.
A. programmable gyro
B. built in back paddles
Better grip
Less bulky

Furthermore I think we should get the option to use parts that are not just the controller. Maybe like a larger joystick or button board. Just feel like we limit ourselves when we only use controllers. I think doing something like the FRC operator stations could be nice. Maybe a better way to use a screen?


Ooooooooooooooh I agree. I love the xbox pro controllers!!!

I would love if VEX would add back pedals that plug right into the micro usb port. I’m not sure about any other drivers but this would be a dream come true.


According to my interpretation, there is technically there is no rule preventing you from having a laptop or something like a raspberry pi plugged into the micro usb port on the controller. You could then send input to the program from the computer using stdin, allowing you to make your own FRC-esque operator station. You could even plug a third party controller into the computer which then relays input to the controller which sends it to the brain (inputs would probably update slower then on the official controller though).

The only rule that could potentially make this illegal would be G8, but as long as the laptop is in airplane mode it should be fine, it doesn’t “simplify the game challenge” because it doesn’t make any specific game mechanics simpler to do (if anything it makes match play more complicated).

Also, some teams have used 3D printed mechanisms which they attach to their controllers to turn some of the front buttons into back paddles and make them easier to press, here’s one design: V5 Scuff Controller Add-on | Online Challenges

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we do use the 3d printed ones, I don’t know about that other part I will look more but I still thing it would be nice

I’m sure there used to be, however, controller USB is disabled when connected to the field control system.


ah ok I didn’t realize that, I stand corrected

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yeah ultimately just getting better driver equipment would be great. PRO controller, button board and joysticks, HUDs just overall more options would be great

Yeah but then they should make either the regular one cheaper or make an even cheaper controller that has only the minimum parts needed.

Just for data right? An external battery still works…???

@jpearman, I honestly agree with those who want the other options for the controllers. If you guys ever decide to add to the controller things then maybe you guys could take inspiration from the xbox pro controllers Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2 | Xbox
Like add different sized thumbsticks, different back-paddles, and maybe even a carrying case.
Then if drivers have different preferences maybe do kind of the original vex controller layout then the xbox controller layout?

I would like to push specifically the Elite S2, I think getting something like this would be great, speaking from my experience it is amazing. The main reason I push the S2 rather than a normal pro controller is the modularity although IK it would be hard to do for the VEX team. This makes it so I can set it up my way but others can have it there was. This also allows teams access to features only in pro controllers but aren’t stuck having to have everything in the pro form. I think just any pro controller could be nice

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