Vex fusion360 help

Can I get basic 3d files or assets for the robot?

Hey! If you search the forum (use the search button at the top right) you should be able to find the VEX Fusion360 Parts Library by @AliA and @changdou

Here’s a link to the post:

Hope this helps!
If you still aren’t able to find parts (such as new releases), you should be able to find them on their store page, scroll to the bottom, select the “CAD Files” tab in the item description at the bottom of the page.


If the files aren’t included here, you can find them on the part’s product page under “CAD files”, and use the stepmaker to cut them if needed.


Hi guys, there’s currently a known issue with the lib (no hinges). Unfortunately, I am very lazy, but if you’d like to contribute to the library, simply fork the repository to your own GitHub account, add whatever files you want, and make a pull request!