Vex IQ Pneumatic Solenoid faulty

We have set our robot up with the pneumatic solenoid using all the ports but after a few weeks the solenoid seems to be faulty. The coding is correct as we switched out to the 2nd one and it work fine. Has anyone had an issue with the solenoid? Is there some rules that we should follow when using the solenoid ? Is there a way to diagnose what the problem is?

If it is faulty can we get a replacement as it was only purchased a few months ago? I see that we can’t purchase a new kit as they are sold out. Does anyone what any advice on these questions?

What’s the problem ? Air leaking ? something else ? both ports ?

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several of the solenoid air connections don’t supply air. As the solenoid does not open to supply air

My sone confirmed there is one port that is not working

It sounds like an internal failure of some type. contact vex support and see what they can do for you.

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