These motors are compatible with all Vex Mechanical Components. They have the same “shaft socket” and motor clutch as the Vex Continuous Rotation Motors and Vex Servos.
Yep the vex motor is nothing more than a small electric motor that is geared to the output shaft. On the basic the positive and negative wires come out and if you were to connect this to a battery the motor would run. You could also use a transistor to digitally turn it on/off from you vex controller or 4 transistors in an H-Bridge configuration so that you can select direction. Speed control is achieved my pwm from the micro controller into the transistor.
You can see a demonstration of simple on/off and speed control of a motor in my transistor video tutorial. It is for the arduino but will work the exact same for the vex micro controller.
i noticed that h-bridges have 3 wires ,one pwm,2 enables,and some with brake,and some with full logic for forward ,reverse and brake
for the microcontroller hook up is only one wire pwm
so i guess will need one with out direction logic and brake tied to gnd
would be good if VEX robotics would sell the controller again
What you are looking at is a DC motor controller that takes a 0%…100% PWM signal for speed. Direction, brake, enable are additional inputs that do just what they sound like. This can be used with a Vex microcontroller, but they will not “just work” with the existing software. You can reprogram the first four motor ports to generate such PWM signals. This isn’t necessarily hard to do, but will be a stretch if you are just at the EasyC level. The other Direction/brake/enable signals would need to be driven by digital output ports.
What you probably want is a motor controller that takes an R/C Servo PWM signal, which is a series of pulses that range from 1ms (full CCW) to 1.5ms (full stop), to 2ms (full CW). These controllers only need the PWM signal, since they can figure out direction from that, and handle braking however is appropriate (some are configurable). These types of controllers will largely “just work” if connected to any of the Vex motor ports.
There are a wide variety of both types of controllers available, and you can search the forums here for several recommendations. Check out these. The main thing to look for is “R/C” in conjunction with PWM.