VexCode V5 project not opening

Recently, a friend of mine who is also in Vex shared his code with me via Github. I put the project into my projects folder, but for whatever reason when I double click the file, the “open” window closes and nothing happens. Any ideas?

Can you link to the repo? I’ll try and see if I have any troubles with it. I have no idea off the top of my head why it won’t load the project.

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It’s not my code, so I don’t think I’m allowed or authorized to share the code with you :frowning:

It’s hard to find a solution to your problem if we can’t view the code in question. Also, if it’s a public repo on GitHub, anyone could theoretically find it and download it, so there’s no harm done by sharing the link to it.

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Yeah, unfortunately it’s private.

We are having a problem where an existing block project saved on a windows 10 laptop will not open. It opens a blank project instead. We have tried clicking on the project, opening vexcode, selecting open, search for the file, and open it from there. I even re-installed vexcode and nothing seems to work. Help!

This topic is 5 years old. In the future, please make new topics instead of reviving old topics. I doubt any of the posters here will reply to you.

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Indeed it is.