Vision Sensor Question - Differentiate between Shapes of the same color

Hey, there!

I was in discussion with my teacher with this question in mind: Can the vision sensor (the original one, not the AI one recently released) differentiate between objects of the same color, or do they have to be different colors. I tried to tell my teacher that the vision sensor can only differentiate between color, not shape and if the objects were the same color, the sensor wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. However, my teacher is not approving of this explanation (since this teacher has fronted the costs for the vision sensors) and still believes that the vision sensor can differentiate between objects of the same color, but different shape.

If anyone can provide links/explanations about this, please provide them in the comments. My teacher is a person who has to “See it to believe it” and needs adequate proof to answer that yes, the vision sensor cannot differentiate between shapes of the same color. Likewise, if people have proof that I am wrong, please post that in the comments. Thank you!

I’m not exactly sure what you are asking, however, vision sensor doesn’t really know anything about the shape on an object, it will just detect the color and then create a bounding box around it. For example, with this test scene

It can detect this.

The red ball and cube are both detected as color signature 1, but there’s really no way to know which is which from the results.

I haven’t used vision sensor in a while, forgot how bad the color is.

As comparison, here is the same scene, lighting etc. with AI Vision sensor.


and obviously, if we turn on the model (and turn off color) it knows what the objects are.



Thank you so much! This is exactly what I needed to hear and this explanation will hopefully persuade my teacher to stop getting the old vision sensors and move on to the new ones.

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