VRC High Stakes Field CAD (OnShape)

I modified the CAD model of the High Stakes field to be more accessible for Onshape users, especially those with slow internet connections and low-performance machines. Below is the share link, as well as a list of modifications.

[Share Link]

  • Recolored all elements to the correct colors

  • Renamed all instances to the element name rather than product number

  • Replaced the 36 field tiles with a single square floor with markings for positive/negative zones and field element locations

  • Organized the field elements, ladder, and wall stakes into 3 different assemblies, which can be hidden or suppressed to increase performance

  • Removed the field perimeter and alliance station markers

  • Removed all fasteners such as screws, nuts, and standoffs


@Giovanni_7282R Grab anything you want from my rebuild of it - I took out as much extraneous detail as I could without it being a different entity to interact with. If you’re thinking about data quantity, definitely grab the stake heads. Simplified VRC CAD library STEP file 4.3MB zipped - yet to add new HS gears and pneumatics - #5 by u89djt


Thanks, this helps a lot.


Released V3

  • Added VURC Head-To-head Layout
  • Added VURC Skills Layout
  • Added Simplified Game And Field Element Models (Credit: u89djt)
  • Improved The Foam Floor Model

Hi. are you planning on modifying the field due to the new corners and removal of tape

I’ll do that now, thanks for reminding me.


The corner ring stacks are stacked wrong, they should be stacked (from bottom) red, blue, red, blue, on both sides of the red starting side and blue, red, blue, red on both sides the blue starting side

I haven’t updated the CAD file since V0.1 of the game manual. I’ll remind myself to fix the issues tonight.