Hey everyone! It’s been a crazy year, what with returning to in-person events and the forums going down. I’m just interested to see what y’all took away from it, whether technical or otherwise.
I guess I’ll start with something technical. Even though it’s not a new idea to this year, the adoption of cartridgeless motors has been huge, and it’s reminded me to think outside the box once again.
Every single time I think I’ve made a big accomplishment in programming, I seem to think of another that is even higher and harder to reach.
I started using PROS in the summer, and after a few porting issues I figured it out.
But then I started using PID in October, after hearing about it online and figuring out how to use Okapi.
Soon after I learned how to use IMU with turning PID.
Then I got odometry and implemented Pure Pursuit in addition (~two weeks ago).
Overall, you should never be limited by what you may think is above your skill level; there are so many resources online to help you in achieving anything
Hey its Jack Luna from 255D. I read what do you achieve working on the PID. Im started learning how to use PROS few weeks ago. But I’m struggling with some things, is there a way you can help me out?
Everything that Zaypers said is helpful. I just want to throw 2 quick resources to give some options.
OkapiLib is great, teams also use the EZ template in PROS frequently (but less common) so I wanted to attach that. Introduction | EZ Template (ez-robotics.github.io)